The Cancer Bracelet - Increasing Awareness and Concern
If you want to share the message of love and hope to all people suffering from the dreaded cancer disease, you may want to make a very small investment in a cancer bracelet. These pieces have become quite helpful in providing aid and support to many cancer causes throughout the country and the world. Find out more how you can increase awareness and concern.
How It All Began
Lance Armstrong was a superb athlete known for his excellent cycling skills and competitive nature. He used to suffer from cancer himself and began spreading the message of hope and love by wearing a symbolic bracelet as he was going for another win at the Tour-de-France. People started wondering and asking what the appealing piece was for. Armstrong happily spread the news that he wanted people to become more aware and concerned about cancer since he experienced firsthand the intricacies and hardships that affected individuals have to live with.
What Happens If You Wear a Cancer Bracelet?
By wearing a cancer bracelet, you are showing your support in the worldwide collaborative effort in spreading information as well as providing emotional support to all cancer patients. Financially, you are also helping cancer groups and agencies in their research and development to possibly find a cure for the disease. Several sources and manufacturers of the bracelets allocate a portion of all sales to fund cancer programs, projects and treatment courses.
Bracelet Styles
Affordable and simple cancer bracelets are made of rubber which is elastic to easily fit the hand through. There are a variety of colors as well which specifically represents the type of cancer you're most concerned with. For example, pink cancer bracelets have been a very popular choice among women since the color represents breast cancer awareness. These pieces have been very useful as women encourage one another to regularly undergo diagnostic procedures as well as provide moral support and relief to those diagnosed with the condition.
There are more sophisticated handcrafted designs made with sterling silver, Swarovski crystals, beads, charms and clasps. These are great jewelry choices and can be worn at formal events. The crystals or beads also take the color of the cancer type you want to represent. Overall, you get to be fashionable and at the same time helpful to the cancer cause.
Who Wears the Bracelet?
The cancer bracelet can be worn by anyone who wants to educate others about the risks of cancer development. You can wear these virtually anywhere and in that sense encourage others to start checking themselves for possible signs of the disease. Cancer patients will also know that you are supporting them in your own little way by sporting the bracelet. There are survivor cancer bracelets for people who have lived through the disease. You may want to give these as a gift for someone you know who is struggling or has successfully overcome cancer. The survival pieces are still represented by unique colors. You may also want to add a symbolic charm or stone that stands for hope, faith and love.
How Much?
A rubber cancer bracelet can be bought for as low as $2 to $5 apiece. Handcrafted designs using sterling silver and other metals and precious stones and beads tend to be more expensive at around $40 to $150 depending on the design and materials used.
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