The Diabetes Bracelet - What You Should Know
A diabetes bracelet can be one of the most helpful things that a diabetic individual can have. Primarily, it shows that the wearer is suffering from the condition so people can be prepared to support in whichever way possible should any untoward incident occur. Other people are still free to wear the bracelets to show love and empowerment for the cause.
What is a Diabetes Bracelet?
A diabetes bracelet can be worn by both diabetic and non-diabetic patients. However, many if not all sufferers of the condition are encouraged to wear the accessory at all times for their own safety. The main purpose of a diabetes bracelet is to inform others that you may have sudden medical predicaments due to imbalances in your blood sugar. Any medical personnel attending to you at any time can immediately detect the cause and perform the proper necessary actions.
There are millions of diabetics in the United States and the world which is why it would be more safe and convenient for all to invest in these bracelets. You may choose which kind of information you want to include in your bracelet. You may also add other underlying conditions you are suffering from or contact persons in case of emergency. Diabetic children can greatly benefit from the added information.
Bracelet Sources
You can purchase diabetes ID bracelets at online shops, designated drug stores and a number of jewelry shops. You may need to provide your full name, address, contact number, type of diabetes and health card number which may be imprinted, embossed, debossed or tagged in your bracelet according to your specifications. You can pay cash or via credit card online and once your order is confirmed, your bracelet will be delivered directly to you in about 7 days.
The bracelets come in different styles but there are unique signs, text or symbols indicating your diabetic cause. Simple rubber or silicone wristbands are available for only $1 to $3. There are also designs using sterling silver and stainless steel. Depending on the size and materials used, prices can go up to as much as $25 to $50. Some manufacturers and agencies contribute a portion of all their sales to charitable foundations and medical institutions for continued research and support programs regarding the condition.
Doctors' Approval
Doctors and other health professionals have encouraged the growing number of diabetic patients around the world to start wearing diabetes bracelets. Some do not fully like the idea of being tagged as an afflicted individual but the awareness and concern projected by the pieces can truly be life-saving. When blood sugar imbalances occur in the body, the patient could suddenly blackout anywhere. Having a bracelet ready prepares both the surrounding crowd as well as attending doctors about the right medical measures.
Spreading the Concern
A diabetes bracelet is also very aesthetic in form and can be conveniently worn anytime and anywhere. Just like the popular Live Strong bracelets, the rubberized versions are usually distributed during diabetes awareness programs and events to show the growing concern and support for the 18 million new Americans diagnosed with the condition every year. When people begin seeing others wear the bracelets, they become more aware about the risks of development, finding possible means of treatment and cure and actions to alleviate the effects.
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