Fun In The Science Classroom
Bunsen burners are just tall propane torches that sit on the tops of tables. There is a long rod that extends over the flame with a circular holder for beakers. The basic idea of a Bunsen burner is that students can use an open flame to heat different chemical mixtures in beakers. This can lead to all manner of interesting chemical reactions. Students will first be open to this because the burners will look fun to use, but they will end up learning all about how different chemicals mix and how compounds are made.
Plate magnets are ideal for experiments with metal. One good idea is to have students bet on how far away the magnet will maintain its effectiveness. They can then mark out lines on the top of a table that correspond with how far they think the magnet can reach. Students will enjoy the competitive nature of this game. They can then put paperclips at these lines and let them go to see how far the magnet really can reach.
Toothpicks may sound too simple to be useful, but you can teach students a lot about design if you have them build bridges out of toothpicks. Only let them use toothpicks and glue. Give them free reign over how they do the design -- you want to have both good and bad designs in the end. Then, have the students test the bridges by seeing which ones can hold the most weight.
If you use Bunsen burners, plate magnets, and toothpicks, you can revitalize your science classroom. You can make it so that students are excited to come, so that they look forward to the class and the activities. If you can create this change in the way that they approach learning from a mental standpoint, you can teach them a lot more.
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