Magnet Mania: Basic Information For The Beginner

Any object that produces a magnetic field is considered to be a magnet. A magnetic field is the magnetically charged area surrounding a magnet. All magnets have a North pole and a South pole. Like poles repel each other and unlike poles attract each other. Magnets also attract ferrous objects (anything made of or containing iron), such as cobalt, nickel, and steel. There are two different basic types of magnets. They can be either temporary magnets (also called soft magnets) or permanent magnets (hard).

Temporary magnets take on the qualities of permanent magnets only when they are in the presence of a powerful magnetic field. Once the field is gone, the object loses its magnetic properties. Paperclips and nails are examples of this type. They do not exhibit signs of magnetism on their own, but will stick to a magnet when placed near one. This type is also used inside telephones. Electromagnets are considered a type of temporary magnet, but with electromagnets, an electric current is used to force and control the magnetic properties of the object.

Electromagnets rely on an electric current traveling through wire coils to produce their magnetic field. The field can be turned on and off by simply removing the electricity source and the electromagnet will then lose its magnetic properties until electricity is once again presented. This type of magnet is often used in things like motors, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) machines, and for industrial purposes like magnetic lifting and separation. Besides being able to turn off the current, another advantage of electromagnets over permanent magnets is the ability to manipulate the field by varying the amount of electricity supplied.

Permanent magnets create a consistent, uninterrupted field. A good example of this is the common refrigerator magnet. They remain attached to your refrigerator on their own by producing a continuous field that holds its ground until someone comes along and removes the magnet by hand. Permanent magnets are also used in. Neodymium magnets, or rare Earth magnets, are a very strong type of permanent magnet. They tend to cost more per kilogram than weaker magnets, but, due to their intensity, are usually found in smaller sizes that are still quite affordable. Automobiles, computer disk drives, credit cards, jewelry, speakers and tons of other things all make use of permanent magnets.

As you can see, magnets are used in all kinds of things that you probably use or at least see every day. Many of their uses may have even come as a surprise to you. Without both temporary magnets and permanent magnets, many of the luxuries you enjoy today would be much more difficult to achieve. Experimenting hands-on with magnets can be a fun way to learn about their properties and come up with your own unique uses for them.

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