Magnetic Jewelry Clasp: Find The Truth About It
But there is the disfavor of Magnetic Jewelry clasp, it can catch hair in the turning mechanism.
The inventor is unaware of a magnetic jewelry clasp which also employs a safety catch. Thus, while employing a safety catch with conventional magnetic jewelry clasps would add the benefit of added security, it would also eliminate an advantage offered by such clasps by requiring a user to properly align the sides of the clasp for the clasp to be closed.
To improve upon the conventional jewelry clasp, the invention provides a magnetic jewelry clasp with a safety catch.
The making and breaking of a magnetic attraction force between the two portions of the clasp renders the magnetic jewelry clasp easy to use.
A magnetic jewelry clasp adapter can make your jewelry wearable again, no matter how it closed before.
If you have trouble working standard clasps, a good way to solve this problem is by getting a magnetic jewelry clasp.
In a broad sense, the invention comprises a magnetic jewelry clasp or an article of jewelry comprising such clasp, the main body of the article of jewelry comprising one or more cables, braids, bundled wires or fibers, such that the main body has an inherent curved configuration of a semi-rigid nature.
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