Message Bracelets Especially For You

Do you want to send a special note to someone special in the most unique way? Do you want to spread information to thousands of people without having to keep repeating yourself? Message bracelets may be the best solution since these offer a radical way of showing concern, communicating and making a statement. Find out more how to acquire them.

Sending Your Message

Message bracelets have so many advantages. First, they are very easy to manufacture and can be bought in bulk. You get to save more and have the opportunity of spreading news, inspirational messages and other thoughtful quotes. Custom silicone bracelets with personalized messages are very popular among health programs, schools and churches since these are non-invasive advertisements which can effectively get your message across.

Health programs and public movements sponsored by cancer institutions, women's rights agencies, epidemic awareness and other social matters make use of message bracelets. During the given events and programs, the bracelets are either sold or distributed freely. People wearing the pieces get to show concern for the cause as well as encourage affected individuals. The affected individuals get to express their sentiments and share their emotions with others.

Special Messages

More intimate messages can also be embossed, debossed, engraved or imprinted on the bracelets. You may order individual pieces with unique quotes for each of your friends. Married couples are very fond of ordering more stylish and expensive models made of silver or gold with engravings on the underside. It is a great way of expressing your feelings and thoughts. A message bracelet is one of the best gifts you can give during special occasions. It may also serve as a family heirloom that can be passed on for many generations to come.

You have the option of specifically choosing the exact message. Several manufacturers and dealers will provide you with a brochure showing all customizations you can make such as font, size of text, spacing and color of text. Depending on the size of the allowable space, your message is limited to a certain number of words. You may also add patterns or choose other unique characters like Chinese, Arabian or Braille.

The Price

The bracelets themselves usually are priced according to the model and style. Simple neoprene, silicone, rubber and slap-on designs can cost anywhere from $1.50 to $4.50. Using precious metals like silver, titanium, copper, gold and platinum will cost more anywhere from $80 to $800. The message itself will cost you too. Most dealers have a standard price for every line or every 8 to 10 characters. Each additional character or symbol has a relative price as well. You may want to cut costs by choosing smaller fonts and shortening the message.

Message bracelets, just like any other in its class come with a guarantee. Some manufacturers also include individual bags or packaging. If you buy in bulk, the price will decrease for each bracelet. When ordering online, you can customize the bracelet and message by filling up the order form with a corresponding customization sheet. Even if you order in bulk, you have the option of choosing unique colors and messages for each one. Expect additional charges with these. You may pay via credit card or other means available and expect the order to arrive in 7 to 10 days.

Susan Barcelon is a successful Webmaster and publisher of She provides more resources on topics such as message bracelets [], silicone bracelets [] and magnetic healing bracelet [] that you can research on her website even while lounging in your living room.

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