The Strongest Magnetic Force

The strongest types of permanent magnets are known as earth magnets. They were invented in the 1970s and are sometimes called rare earth magnets although this is a misnomer as the elements they are derived from are quite abundant in nature. They are usually made from a combination of alloys and are often coated, since they can be very brittle and prone to chipping or shattering. They can be classified into two categories, either neodymium magnets or samarium-cobalt magnets. The samarium-cobalt variety is used less than their neodymium counterparts are because they cost more and are the weaker of the two. In addition, they are also more brittle and fragile. The neodymium type came about a bit later in the 1980s and is often included in components of computer hard drives and stereo speaker systems. With the increase in usage, the cost of these types of magnets has fallen and they are now commonly used in toys for children.

The powerful magnetic pull of these devices is not without hazard, particularly for young children and they should only be used under adult supervision. There have been cases of children swallowing them, causing the digestive tract to become pinched and collapse between two of them. This has resulted in serious injury and a few deaths. The strong pull can also cause them to collide and shatter which has also led to eye injuries and lacerations. However, with the proper supervision and precaution, they can be used by almost anyone. Earth magnets are also used to propel the motors of cordless power tools and in the brakes of fishing reels. The latest type of self-powering flashlights employs rare earth magnets that work together to create a charge when the user shakes the device. They have also been used for theme park rides and, for example, are used as launched roller coasters.

The superior magnetic force of earth magnets has caused them to surge in popularity. Many office workers now have a collection or cube of balls on their desk that are made from these magnets. These magnetic balls can be twisted into complex shapes and loops like ever-changing sculptures. Many report that toying with them even as an adult can become quite addictive. They can also be used in the tool shop to keep track of items like screws and nails and to hang heavy tools from the walls and each other. If an earth magnet is placed in the pocket of the pants, you can then stick a tool to your pants making an impromptu tool belt. They can also be employed as window latches and cabinet and door fixtures to hold swinging doors in place. Earth magnets are fun and interesting items that provide the user with endless possibilities of how to use them.



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