Different Kinds Of Steel Balls

If you already acquainted with steel balls, you will know that in the recent years, a big chunk of the production has moved from Europe and the USA to parts of the Far East and India. Not many of these suppliers are reliable in terms of their merchandise or their business processes. Therefore, before placing an order it is best to do a thorough check of the supplier and his products.

Steel balls are made of many different materials. These materials are chosen because of their properties and the purpose for which the balls are required. The quality of the ball heavily depends on the materials with which it is made, so the choice of material must be made carefully. Listed below are some of the more common kinds of steel balls:

Carbon steel. Carbon steel balls have a hardened case and a soft core. This makes them a good choice to provide resistance to shock or to withstand heavy surface use. However, they are weak when it comes to their load carrying capacity. For these reasons, carbon steel balls are used for moderate loads and slow rotor applications such as castors and drawer sliders. They are a lot less expensive than chrome balls.

Chrome steel balls. These balls make up the largest share of precision ball production worldwide. Due to this, they have the widest choice of size and grade. Chrome steel balls are used for bearings and their properties are tailored to this use.

Stainless steel. There are balls made from different grades and types of stainless steel. Each of these has different properties and uses. One variety is an austenitic stainless steel. It is not magnetic and very resistant to corrosion. However the balls once manufactured, cannot be hardened further except by constant usage. Therefore, the balls remain soft for a long time and are prone to damage. They are mainly used in applications that require good corrosion resistance. Some other uses include the chemical industry, food processing and medicine related uses. The balls can be machined like other stainless steel objects.

Another form of stainless steel balls is magnetic and can be hardened. They can be hardened to a degree only slightly less than chrome steel balls and can be substituted for chrome balls, unless it is for very heavy-duty applications. This variety is also resistant to corrosion.

Steel balls are sold by number or by the kilogram weight. When combined with good surface quality and high load bearing properties, there is practically no end to the uses to which steel balls can be put. So find a good vendor, preferably someone who checks the goods? quality, and you can find just what you are looking for.

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