Strong Magnets Are Used Everywhere, Everyday
One of the most common places where we could find a variety of magnets in a single place would be our very own automobiles. The different magnets found in our cars are usually out of sight but play various roles in running a car or even enjoying our driving experience. Some of the parts in a car that uses magnets are the electric motors and dynamos present all throughout the car. Looking under the hood of the car, you will find the alternator, which is a small electric generator that uses the electricity produced when a wire coil is rotated between a set of magnets. The alternator produces electricity to power other electrical components of your automobile such as your radio, lights, and spark plugs. Speaking of radios, magnets are also present in your car?s sound system. They are one of the major components of speakers.
As electric currents pass through the magnets found in your car speakers, they vibrate and cause membranes to move thus producing the sound and music we enjoy while we drive. Aside from this, we could also find magnets in our speedometers which indicate how fast you?re driving. Looking at it, you?d realize just how many magnets there are in such an everyday object.
Aside from automobiles, we could also find magnets in other technologies related to medicine, entertainment, and industry. Speaking of the former, strong magnets play an important role in modern hospital equipment such as MRI or Magnetic Resonance Imaging. This type of equipment uses extremely strong magnetic fields to help doctors peek inside our bodies without having to go on the operating table. MRIs work by making atomic nuclei in our body rotate as strong magnetic fields are passed through. The rotation and movement of these nuclei are then detected by a sensitive scanner which interprets the data and produces a visual picture of the inner structure of our bodies. This equipment helps doctors get a snapshot of the cross section of patients in order to detect injuries, tumors, and other abnormalities.
When you look at it, strong magnets really play important and invaluable functions in our everyday lives. They help us get around, move things, and even help us through medical applications. With rapid developments in technology, magnets are continually finding more and more uses in our every day endeavors making life easier and more convenient.
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