The Benefits of Using Magnetic Silver Clasps

Jewelry is not just about those shiny stones and other materials; it's also about the clasps used to keep all these elements together. Different types of magnetic clasps made of different metals are available in the market. The most commonly used clasps are silver clasps, as it adds to the beauty of the jewelry with its shiny appearance. The use of these had made it lot easier for the people suffering from poor vision and other related problems.

There are many advantages in using magnetic silver clasps. The most know advantage will be that it helps to securely bond the elements together. We can see a clasps in almost every jewelry, whether it is a bangle or an ear ring. A silver magnetic clasp can make the jewelry much more attractive. More over these it has some scientifically proven advantages. The continuous use of these helps in increasing the oxygen supply to the blood, which in turn create heat among the body tissues.

The clasp magnetic force is complementary to the body's magnetic force, which is very good for our physical and mental well being. It also got some healing power. The magnet in the clasps is able to control the functions of our body and cures many diseases with the aid of magnetic therapy. It can help you to recover from headaches, shoulder pain, bed sore, insomnia etc.

Along with the advantaged they have some disadvantages in offer. This primary one will be inefficiency of the magnetic clasps to keep the element in heavy jewelries intact. The pressure inserted by the heavy elements on the magnetic field is more than the clasps can handle and the heavy jewelry made of these are bound to fell apart. The magnetic waves produced by the silver magnetic clasps can be allergic to some person. In this type of persons the magnetic wave from the magnetic clasps can cause headache, blood pressure, and even chest pain. As told earlier the magnetic eaves from the clasps tend to regulate the normal metabolic activities of the body, this may result in the disorientation of immunity system. The use of jewelry with magnetic clasps is a complete no for pregnant ladies. The people using pacemaker should also keep their distance from these types of clasps, as it can affect the functioning of pace maker.

Magnetic clasps are one of the newest arrivals and become popular among the customers like anything. This type of clasps makes use of the magnetic property to hold the elements in the jewelry. It really works well with the medium and small sized jewelries. There is still debate going on about the use of silver magnetic clasps. As you can see it has both advantages and disadvantages. Now it's completely up to accept or reject it. I would suggest you to think of the possible problems that can arrive by the use of it. If you are not susceptible to the above said problems go for it.

How to Get Silver Clasps at 70% Off:


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