Quality In Food Production
It is also important that food be of the highest quality from a humanitarian perspective. A business owner does not want to put a product on the market that could harm the people who buy it. This will have a backlash in the business world, but it will also have a backlash on a personal level. While it is true that some business owners only care about money and profit, a larger percentage of them really care about the customers, the people who buy what they have to offer. They feel a camaraderie with these people and would not want to do anything through neglect that could bring them harm.
Plate magnets can be used to remove metal from food products. This may sound like something that should never have to be done since metal should not be within the food to begin with. This would be the ideal situation, but the truth is that an industrial plant is not a perfectly clean place. No business can be as clean as it would like to be. There could be metal shavings, nuts, bolts, or screws in the food, among other things. These can really hurt people if they are accidentally consumed.
The way that the magnets work is that they are set up over a slanted chute or inside of a flat chute with a conveyor belt. The magnets project a field below them of about two to three inches. Any metal that passes through this field will be picked out of the food and held against the surface. The food that gets through to the other side will be clean and free from all dangerous objects. This is a quick and easy process that can be very helpful.
One important thing to remember is that the plate magnets will need to be cleaned. They will gradually accumulate more and more metallic material. If they are not cleaned off every day or so, they will not be as effective as they need to be.
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