How To Benefit From Custom Magnets

Custom magnets are a great way to share a specific message. This message could be in the form of a picture, logo, or an image. Popular magnets images are animals, places, and people. Here are some ways to benefit from using custom magnets.

Creating the design for a magnet can be done quickly by hand. This basic design can be improved upon by a graphic designer or trying to recreate the image yourself in a software program. The image can be emailed or shown to a company that can make the idea into one or a series of custom magnets.


Non-profit organizations and schools often have annual fundraisers. Many of these events are heavily planned and promoted throughout the local community. Times in between events the budget may be very tight. The custom magnets can be a way to remind organization supporters to send in monetary donations throughout the year.


Business trade shows present a great opportunity for networking. Companies often create packages of information about the company to pass along to interested persons. Custom magnets can be printed with contact information, ordering information, or brief details on how to open an account.


Family reunions usually are planned once a every few years. Printing a website to a family website or private social networking community an encourage the family members that meet to stay connected. Most families have a few main points of connection. These could be specific family members that may be extremely social. Including their email address or phone number may work well for contacting other family members in times of emergency.

Small Business

Many small businesses have a small budget for advertising. Custom magnets are a great way to advertise whenever the car is parked in a parking lot or idling at a traffic light. People may immediately think of the business when they see the magnet frequently. Ordering more than one magnet is a great way to test and track which ad written on the magnet is more effective based on the number of new contacts that comes in.

Photo Sharing

Photos of family and friends are now distributed digitally through email and very few hard copies of that photo may exist. Custom magnets are a great way to share a family picture, school pictures, graduation pictures, or of the family pet. Friends may be more apt to hang up the magnet so they can think about the sender whenever the access the refrigerator or other magnetic surface.

There are many different ways to benefit from using custom magnets. The first step is to simply write the idea down. Use these tips when ordering custom magnets for small business, corporate events, and for family purposes.

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