Rare Earth Magnets And Education
First, you can just have the students do a simple experiment. Take a large magnet and put it down on the table; let the students drop magnets or throw them softly over the table. Some of them will be repelled and will fall to the floor. Others will be attracted and will change direction in the air to stick to the large magnet.
Next, you could have the students write a report about rare earth magnets. This will not be as fun from a hands-on standpoint, but they will be interested in doing the research once they have seen the magnets in action. They will want to find out how everything works.
After that, make sure that you shift back to working in a hands-on fashion. You could set the students up in groups with their peers and instruct them to carry out experiments on their own. Now that they have seen the magnets work and learned how everything happens, they should be able to devise new ideas. Giving them the freedom to come up with these will help them to expand their minds.
As you can see, experiments with rare earth magnets are great for the classroom because they are engaging. Students will really get to participate in the action and be a part of what is happening. This can help them to understand what is going on in a way that a textbook never could. It can also help them to become excited about the learning process. If you can get your students to want to learn, half of the battle will be over. The vast majority of students are capable of learning, smart enough to grasp complex thoughts. The problem, usually, is getting them to care about a subject, and to want to learn. Magnets can help you do this, bringing you to a higher level of teaching success than you have ever seen before.
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Source: http://mariewinston.articlealley.com/rare-earth-magnets-and-education-2175817.html
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